Kolkata To Dhaka Train Fare, Time Table

Want to find Kolkata to Dhaka train, also want to know Kolkata to Dhaka train fare, time table. All the details is given bellow.
Kolkata To Dhaka Train Fare, Time Table

Kolkata to Dhaka train schedule

Maitree Express BR
KOAA ( 07:10 )
08 hr 55 min
DAKA ( 16:05 )

Maitree Express IR
KOAA ( 07:10 )
08 hr 55 min
DAKA ( 16:05 )
Kolkata To Dhaka Train Fare, Time Table

Kolkata to DHAKA train Fare

Fare for trains from Kolkata to DHAKA is Rs 1585 in First AC (1A) and Rs 540 in parlor car (CC) generally quota. Tatkal ticket fare and premium tatkal fare during this route starts from Rs 690 in parlor car (CC).

Kolkata to DHAKA train time table

Maitree Express BR (13108) departs from Kolkata Chitpur station (KOAA) at 07:10 and arrives DHAKA station (DAKA) at 16:05 taking a complete of 8 hrs 55 minutes to hide the distance of 393 kms. Maitree Express IR (13109) departs from Kolkata Chitpur station (KOAA) at 07:10 and arrives DHAKA station (DAKA) at 16:05 taking a complete of 8 hrs 55 minutes to hide the distance of 393 km.
Kolkata To Dhaka Train Fare, Time Table

Kolkata to DHAKA train Seat Availability

Train seat availability for all 2 trains that run from Kolkata to DHAKA are often found in above list.

Kolkata to Dhaka Maitree Express 13108

Kolkata to Dhaka Maitree Express (13108) departures from Kolkata Chitpur station at 07:10 and arrives DHAKA station at 16:05. Kolkata to DHAKA fare is Rs.1585 in First AC and Rs.540 in parlor car for this train.
Kolkata To Dhaka Train Fare, Time Table

Kolkata to DHAKA Maitree Express 13109

Kolkata to DHAKA Maitree Express (13109) departure from Kolkata Chitpur station at 07:10 and arrives DHAKA station at 16:05. Kolkata to DHAKA fare is Rs.1585 in First AC and Rs.540 in parlor car for this train.

Kolkata to DHAKA train: Fastest, Slowest

The fastest train from Kolkata to DHAKA is Maitree Express (13108) which travels a distance of 393 kms in just 8 hours 55 minutes. The slowest train from Kolkata to DHAKA is Maitree Express (13108) which travels a distance of 393 kms in 8 hours 55 minutes. The most punctual train from Kolkata to DHAKA is Maitree Express (13109) which reaches DHAKA with an average delay of just 0 minute. The most delayed train from Kolkata to DHAKA is Maitree Express (13109).
Kolkata To Dhaka Train Fare, Time Table


Q) Distance between Kolkata Chitpur from Dhaka by train?

A: Kolkata Chitpur is approximately 392 kilometers (km) faraway from Dhaka by train.

Q) How many trains runs between Kolkata Chitpur and Dhaka daily?

A: Not so many, there are only two train runs daily Kolkata to Dhaka.

Q) Is there any fastest train runs between Kolkata Chitpur and Dhaka station?

A: Yes, one fastest train runs between kolkata to dhaka station, which is  Maitree AC Express. This train covers a distance of 392 Kilometers in approximately 8H 55M hours of your time .

Q) When first train departure from Kolkata Chitpur to Dhaka Station?

A: The first train from Kolkata Chitpur to Dhaka station, departs at 07:10 Hours from Kolkata Chitpur.

Q) what's the railroad ticket price from Kolkata Chitpur to Dhaka Station?

A: Kolkata Chitpur to Dhaka railroad ticket Prices start from Rs.168. Kolkata Chitpur to Dhaka railroad ticket Prices varies from train to coach and therefore the services which you select to avail during the journey. Sleeper, AC, GN classes are different. 2S ticket price 168. 1A ticket price 1651. CC ticket price 556.
Kolkata To Dhaka Train Fare, Time Table

About Kolkata

Kolkata, also know as Calcutta is that the capital city of West Bengal and is found at the bank of Hoogly river. It (then Calcutta) served because the capital of British-held territories in India until 1911, after which Delhi was made capital of India. No trip to Kolkata is complete without a visit to the Victoria Memorial, an architectural marvel inbuilt Queen Victoria's name. It has an incredible museum inside. When is Kolkata, never miss the long-lasting Howrah Bridge. Other places to go to are Mangal Pandey Park and therefore the Dakshineswar Kali Temple, built on the banks of the Ganga. Kolkata is well-connected to all or any major Indian cities by air, rail and road. Kolkata has 3 railway stations and one airport which name is Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport. The airport is 14 km faraway from the Sealdah railroad station . Kolkata ranks the highest among the six cities in terms of conveyance system.The Kolkata Metro is that the oldest underground mass transit system in India. Kolkata is that the only Indian city with a tram network, but the tram services are limited to certain areas of the town only. When it involves food Kolkata is understood for its sort of street food like famous kathi rolls, but the key elements of Kolkata's cuisine include rice and a fish curry known as machher jhol. This can be amid desserts like roshogolla, sandesh, and a sweet yoghurt referred to as mishti dohi. Kolkata has five(5) railway stations also - Howrah, Kolkata Chitpur, Kolkata Sealdah, Santragachi Jn and Kolkata Shalimar.
Kolkata To Dhaka Train Fare, Time Table

About Dhaka

Dhaka is that the capital, great and largest city of Bangladesh. With its colorfoul history and rich cultural traditions, Dhaka is understood the planet over because the city of mosques and muslin. Dhaka frame attracted travellers from far and near state and country ages.. Today it's grow day by day into a mega city of about 16 million people, with a neighborhoods of about 1353 squar km. becoming the hub of the nation’s industrial, cultural, commercial, educational and political activities.

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