2020 Lumding To Agartala Train Time, Schedule,Status,Fare

Are you looking for Lumding to Agartala train  time table. You are in the right place. Here you get all the information about Lumding to Agartala train.

In the lockdown most of the people are looking new Lumding to Agartala train time table,schedule, train status, train fare etc.

So, I am sharing totally new and updated Lumding to Agartala train list in 2020 after lockdown in India.
2020 Lumding To Agartala Train Time, Schedule,Status,Fare

Lumding To Agartala Train Time Table

Train No & Name
Dep Time


Train Time
Run Days
                                        Arr Time                                                                   
396 Km
11h 34m
Wed Fri Sat Mon

396 Km
11h 20m

395 Km
11h 00m

2020 Lumding To Agartala Train Time, Schedule,Status,Fare

14020 Lumding  to Agartala Tripura Sundari Express 

Lumding to Agartala Tripura Sundari Express (14020) withdraws from Lumding Junction station (LMG) at 13:10 and shows up Agartala station (AGTL) at 00:30. This train has 7 stoppages. Lumding Jn to Agartala train admission is Rs.135 in None, Rs.660 in Third AC, Rs.935 in Second AC and Rs.245 in Sleeper for this train.

Lumding to Agartala Train seat availability, train time table, distance 

Train seat availability of Lumding to Agartala is quite easy. And train time table is also good.
It's take 11h 20m to travel 396 km distance from lumding to Agartala. All the train name and train details is given in above table.
2020 Lumding To Agartala Train Time, Schedule,Status,Fare

Lumding to Agartala train ticket booking related information

If you want to book train. Go to IRCTC website and book train for lumding to agartala. Or If you want to check ticket PNR status also you go to IRCTC website and check you PNR.

Some of you are want to check live train status. So you need to trainman.in for check train live status.
2020 Lumding To Agartala Train Time, Schedule,Status,Fare


1) What is the actual Lumding to Agartala train fare?

Train fare of lumding to Agartala is not high. All classes train fare details is given bellow.

Charge for trains from Lumding to Agartala is Rs 135 in None (GN), Rs 660 in Third AC (3A), Rs 150 in Second Seater (2S), Rs 935 in Second AC (2A) and Rs 245 in Sleeper (SL) as a rule standard. Tatkal ticket passage and premium tatkal toll in this course begins from Rs 1105 in Third AC (3A), Rs 190 in Second Seater (2S), Rs 1540 in Second AC (2A) and Rs 395 in Sleeper (SL).
2020 Lumding To Agartala Train Time, Schedule,Status,Fare

2) What is the fastest train from Lumding to Agartala?

The quickest train from Lumding Jn to Agartala is Deoghar Agartala Weekly Express (15625) which voyages a separation of 390 km's in only 11 hours.

3) What is the slowest train run between Lumding Jn to Agartala?

The slowest train from Lumding Jn to Agartala is Kanchanjunga Express (13173) which ventures a separation of 390 km's in 11 hours 34 minutes.
2020 Lumding To Agartala Train Time, Schedule,Status,Fare

4) What is the most timely and punctual train from Lumding to Agartala?

We know Indian train timing is very effective. All the train are punctual and maintain their running time. 

But most timely and punctual train from Lumding to Agartala is Kanchanjunga Express (13173) which ventures a separation of 390 km's in 11 hours 34 minutes.

5) What is the most delay train from Lumding to Agartala?

As we say, Indian train is very punctual. But due to some reason trains are running late.

Most delay train runs between Lumding to Agartala is also Kanchanjunga Express (13173) which ventures a separation of 390 km's in 11 hours 34 minutes.
2020 Lumding To Agartala Train Time, Schedule,Status,Fare

Information about Agartala station and Agartala station code

Agartala is the capital of Tripura. There is a Big railway station which is located in Badharghat Agartala. People called this Agartala station.

Agartala station code is AGTL.

Information about Lumding station and Lumding station code

Lumding is city of Assam. Lumding station is a big junction of Lumding. Lumding station is located in Nagaon.  It's the second biggest station of Assam.

Lumding station code is LMG.

2020 Lumding To Agartala Train Time, Schedule,Status,Fare

Conclusion: We are not promote any kind of service or product. We are trying to help people really need this information.

All the information is collected from internet and my own research. All the image is collected from google reuse images. Please contact me before take any action. 

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